How use a program?

General steps since running to gettins a result

Let's run oue application - how do it go to previous page.

Now we need to add info about coordinates in old and new systems. You can go to Data Samples chapter and get parameters for testing from there.

Note: In your case to get initial coordinates of points you can use free IFC viewers that let mark a coordinate's labels such for example Solibry Model Viewer or BIM-Vision

OK, we have a coordinates of three points in both systems. Now - add them to fields:

Then, press to "Расчет" button to start a Math's algoritm. After finishing, you may see in Console resulting values:

Lets's save those parameters to external XML-file, to do it press to button "Save" opposite "Сохранить результаты расчета" and select filename to saving. In next program's setup we will use that saving parameters (if we work in one model and periodically need to export it with shared coordinates to another software). Code of XML's file looks like as sample below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TransformationParameters Name="1">
  <Value_dX Units="meters">2216581.214999</Value_dX>
  <Value_dY Units="meters">530017.018883</Value_dY>
  <Value_dZ Units="meters">138.5</Value_dZ>
  <Value_ωz Units="radians">4.35491400025482</Value_ωz>

After calculating parameters and saving it to XML-file (no compulsory step), let's select IFC file that need to convert in shared coordinates - button "Выбор" and select path to save new file - button "Обзор". After it we need select a parent-software (where IFC fie was created). After all changings press to "Запуск" and if all is goog, we will seen in Console next message:

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